tapas are my new favorite thing

Buenos Dias. I am super tired this morning but it's definitely worth out. Went out to Bardo in Norfolk, Virginia with my "friend" S. The food was simply amazing. I'm considering becoming a vegetarian {I'll save all those details for another post} and the menu had plenty to offer. I had delicious vegetable spring rolls with hoisin, ginger and peanut dipping sauce and coconut curry soup. The soup had so much flavor, and the spices didn't just quickly dissipate after you ate them. They gradually got stronger and stronger until I realized that the reason that I was hot was because of the curry. Trust me, just order it.

Anyway, had a great time with S. on our date. We both had wine with our meals and then split dessert which was dim sum donuts with a round of dipping sauces. Oh, they just melted in your mouth. (Next time I go I will be sure to take pictures.)

Overall all the evening was lovely. Even ended with a kiss, and a good kiss at that. (Although I must say that I enjoy slower kissing and he seemed much more....ravenous?)

I was completely elated about the night, called my girlfriend to fill her in and all and then that's when he called. He was like I haven't drank in a while so I think I should chill before I drive, can I come over to your place? Um...... Although I appreciated his responsibility there was no way that I wanted him over, at 11:45 p.m. I'm not an idiot, brotha. I politely told him that if he didn't have GPS, then it would probably be very difficult for him to get to my place. {that is not a lie. It really is tricky unless you know the area}

Anyway, all in all a pretty good night. Now, on to the day in which I must try and focus and get some real work done instead of dreaming about Charlotte and looking up apartments online...

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