weekend musings

Happy Monday! I've been a little under the weather here lately with sinus and allergies issues, but I'm starting to feel better. (even though as I type this I just got back from lunch at work and all I want to do is go home and curl up in my cloud of a bed.) shhh, don't tell.

 {flowers from brunch Saturday morning}

Weekend was nice albeit extremely busy for a sick lady...
-Iron Man 2 with E. (the first one was better)
-Lia Sophia jewelry party at my house Saturday morning
-Wedding at the Chrysler Saturday night
-Nursery duty at church with the 3 year olds (they were so awesome)
-Great church service with mom and brother visiting
-Mother's Day dinner and Scattergories at the parents house
-burgers and guac at a friends
-finally a warm cozy bed

Nothing excited planned for tonight but laundry, dinner and movie and bed. Can't wait to start feeling better...

1 comment:

Marcie said...

My allergies are killing me too! It is brutal. Thanks for visiting my blog so I could find yours. :) It is great.



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