weekend musings

Is it weird that I don't like posting about the weekend on Monday's? It almost seems too sad.... Overall I had a lovely weekend spent with old and new friends, family, heavy lifting, some cooking, warm weather, a great church service and serious movies...(sorry about the fuzzy photos... I just using my iPhone for now!)

helped E move on Saturday
had some yummy coconut curry at a tiny hole in the wall Thai restaurant Saturday night
brainstormed some coco lovely ideas with my mum
continued with my addiction to flowers and bought  lovely purple and yellow tulips for my roommate and me
finally bought a Basil and Parsley plant so that I could have a window herb garden, seriously this was a work in progress for like 2 years.  (I guess this means I have to start cooking again....)


the NEO-traditionalist said...

What lovely business cards you have! I'm absolutely smitten with the purple! xoxo katie

lisa said...

Thanks Katie! My friend is a graphic designer and hooked me up. I love how whimsical they look.


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