being a Christian is like....

a really fantastic sale. The other night I made the mistake of going to New York and Company because I heard that they were having a really great sale.  I tried on a ton of stuff and found some really great deals, and I thought to myself this is great! Then I stumbled across the accessories rack. Now, I've been praying about my wardrobe lately that the Lord would help me better accessorize.

(Yes, you read that correctly. I actually prayed that like 2 weeks ago.)

And would you believe that I came across an accessories rack that had necklaces, bracelets, earrings all for  $2.99!
I kept asking the sales lady, "This?! This right here is only $2.99?!"
"Mmhmm, " she would say over and over again.

And I just couldn't believe how good of deal I was getting. It seemed way to good to be true. But trust me, it was THAT great.

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